


Last night we went to New York’s infamous nightclub Lavo.

With a sister club in Las Vegas, Lavo is the place to go. An A-lister crowd, top DJ’s and drinks to go crazy for - what more could you want?

Where do I start...

With their strict “looks” policy it meant that we were surrounded by Manhattan’s most beautiful people.

Eye candy EVERYWHERE, we honestly did not know where to look! It is normal to see lots of pretty girls out on the New York clubbing scene, due to the magical wonders of make-up, hair extensions and Spanx but this many attractive guys?! All on one dance floor? Breathtaking! It was as if Abercrombie moved to The Hamptons and brought back an army of 10’s. 

Magnum bottle's of Dom PĂ©rignon and Belvedere all laced with sparklers were the drinks of choice on our table. Complemented by little dessert nibbles from the Lavo restaurant upstairs. 

“Cupcake? Champange?”  “Why not?!"

Will I be going back? 100% Yes!

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